DNA Fitness Test
- Exercises that are most beneficial for your muscle type
- How efficiently your body builds muscle and burns fat
- Your recovery potential from intense workouts
- Genetic variations linked to injury risk and pain tolerance
Are you struggling to improve your fitness?
Or maybe you are just interested to know why you are a great sprinter but have a tough time finishing a 10K race. It all comes down to genetics.
Your genes influence your athletic ability, response to exercise, injury risk and pain tolerance. This genetic test gives you the opportunity to create a personalized exercise plan based on your genetics, so you can get the most benefit out of your exercise routine.

The Genetics
Studies show that athletes carry genetic variants that give them an advantage in their choice of athletics. This means the DNA changes that are most prevalent in endurance athletes can be very different from the variants found in sprinters and other power athletes.
An understanding of your genetics can help you identify the sports that you are better suited for. It also gives you a chance to personalize your exercise plan and health goals. The variants included in this panel were studied in Caucasian populations. The same association may not be apparent in other ethnicities.
Athletic Endurance
Endurance is the ability to continue exercising for an extended period. Endurance events include long-distance running, swimming, cycling, mountain climbing and rowing. Variants Affecting Endurance:
- PPARD – burning fat for energy
- VEGFA – blood vessel formation to improve oxygen supply
- ACE – blood pressure regulation and muscle efficiency
- ADRB2 – turning off the fight or flight response
- PPARA – slow-twitch versus fast-twitch muscle fibres
Response to Exercise
Not everyone responds to exercise the same. Some people see greater benefits from endurance training, while others benefit more from strength training. Your exercise response is influenced by genetic variations of:
- PPARGC1A – aerobic capacity improvements
- PPARD – increases in “good” HDL-cholesterol
- MCT1 – ability to use lactate as an energy source
Strength Training
Strength exercises use resistance to induce muscular contraction, which builds the strength and size of skeletal muscles. Variants Affecting Muscular Strength:
- ACVR1B – muscle signalling cascade that controls muscle mass and muscle strenght
- IL6 – messenger molecule and contributes to muscle growth
Athletic Power
Power exercises combines strength with speed, applying strength in a quick motion. For example, a sprinter requires strength and speed for a rapid acceleration, while a baseball pitcher requires a very strong arm that can rapidly rotate to pitch as fast as 100 mph! Variants Affecting Power: – blood pressure regulation and growth hormone levels
- ACTN3 – the “sprinter” gene AGT
- AGT – blood pressure regulation and growth hormone levels
Motivation, Recovery, Injury Risk & Pain Tolerance
Motivation, recovery, injury risk and pain tolerance are all influenced by the following genetic variations:
- BDNF – exercise motivation
- CRP – heart rate recovery
- COL1A1 – risk of soft tissue injury
- COL5A1 – risk of Achilles tendinopathy
- COMT – pain tolerance and required morphine dose
- Step 1: Order test kit online
- Step 2: Collect DNA sample using a painless mouth swab, and mail to the lab in the provided return envelope
- Step 3: Receive your results online
How it works

Order your kit

Collect your sample